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Transform a life through the power of BJJ - Support now!

charity Dec 26, 2022

You Can Save a Child with BJJ!

Are you a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner looking to make a difference in the world? Join us in our mission to renovate BJJ academies in the poorest favelas of Brazil and beyond.

You will often see that in these marginalized communities, poor living conditions often breed crime, with most members being young male teenagers who are extremely vulnerable to the influence of unhealthy adults. By bringing the positive influence of BJJ to these areas, we can help create a safe and healthy environment for these kids to learn and grow.

Your support will go towards renovating and improving these academies, including changing the tatami, padding and painting the walls, and fixing the light and electrical installations and bathrooms. With your help, we can create a space where these kids can learn discipline, self-defense, and confidence, and become positive members of their community.

But we can't do it without your support. Donate today and be a part of creating a brighter future for these kids. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of these young people and the communities they live in.

Make a difference in the world by supporting the renovation of BJJ academies in underprivileged communities: donate to for as little as $10 per month and be sure to create a significant impact in the lives of people who need it the most!
Donate $10/m 




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