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Toquinho knee bar half guard

Stop Neglecting Your Half Guard – Use This KNEEBAR Setup!

no gi submission Mar 18, 2021

The Half Guard often gets neglected by Jiujiteiros at starting levels – the White and Blue Belt. They view it as a "slow" position; one that lacks the dynamics that other positions have. With that, Half Guard is also thought to have a lack of submission opportunities in comparison to other, "cooler" positions.

However, that's not the case! The Half Guard can become a phenomenal part of your BJJ game. It's just a matter of how you use it.
For, if you look back on your very first classes, you'll remember that it seemed as if there isn't anything you could do from anywhere! But the case was that you simply didn't have an opportunity to invest enough time into figuring out the numerous options that Jiu-Jitsu offers.

So, waste no more time, and start drilling the Half Guard! There are loads of submissions that you can go for from it, such as the Kneebar.
Here's one such Kneebar setup, demonstrated by Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares:


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