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Magnus Hansson Kimura Defense

This Kimura and Americana Defense Is RIDICULOUSLY EASY!

defense escapes no gi Mar 19, 2021

"Easier said than done", some will say. And for the most part, that is true in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! A lot of techniques and setups will, at first glance, seem quite simple to perform. However, as you gain experience and mat time, you'll soon figure out that executing a move is a much, much harder task than it seemed to be.

But there are exceptions to this rule! Actually, there's quite a number of exceptions to it; there are really simple and easy things that you can do during a roll, which will improve your chances of success by a milestone.
And that is true for both submission and defense techniques alike.

One of the best examples for this is the following defense against the Americana and the Kimura... It seems too easy, but it's not! Just make sure that your opponent doesn't lock the Figure-4, and you'll evade getting tapped out.



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